Strategy In Periscope Marketing For an Effective Campaign
Periscope marketing, just like any other marketing campaign, requires a well laid out strategy. Developing a proper strategy will ensure that you have great content that will turn around the fortunes of your business. Some people assume that just because it is a mobile streaming app, much content development is not necessary. That is where they go wrong because even though the marketing platform is different, things that interest customers are more or less the same. As an entrepreneur, how can you go about laying the framework for your marketing campaign via periscope? Of course there are the usual details to consider, but since the marketing platform is a little bit different, we can also look at the factors that are unique to the app.
What are your goals
Having goals is one effective way of creating benchmarks and tracking progress as far as the marketing campaign is concerned. You cannot run a proper Periscope marketing campaign without having goals and objectives. They sort of create a blue print for your entire operation and this helps to provide a sense of direction. Some of the goals to consider can include improving relationship with customers, increasing the number of sales and enhancing brand awareness.
Develop streaming ideas
How will you be using the app for live streaming? This is an important question that you must carefully consider before you start broadcasting content. There are several ways in which you can use the Periscope app. As a business that wants to get the necessary feedback from customers, you can use it for a question and answer session as well as providing interactive customer support services. Through this you can get to know exactly what your customers want and then use that information to serve them better. You can also stream major functions and events such as product launches.
Increasing your follower numbers
In order to reach a wide audience, you need to build the number of your followers. You can follow other users on the app, promote your site on other social media platforms, run paid promotions and get other users to plug you.
Begin content generation
Finally after learning all the important strategies, you can begin streaming content. Find a great setting to use while streaming, choose which goals to begin with based on priorities and choose the person who will act as the face of the business in hosting the sessions. The videos are generally meant to be casual but don’t imagine for a second that the preparation should also be done in the same way.
Optimize content to boost sales
If you are live streaming a session to drive sales, ensure that the content of the broadcast will do just that. The session should provide great value to the viewers and your call to action should make them see the need to purchase your products. Avoid telling stories while missing the important points.
Measure effectiveness
Use appropriate tools to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign and use the results of your assessment to make the necessary changes and run a great periscope marketing campaign.
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